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Cannot agree more.

On the other hand - sometimes I don't even logged in to some mainstream social media - and some of these sites apparently cannot load properly.

Mastodon/Fediverse loads even on poor internet connection (just sufficient for me to get some dopamine bursts 😅)

거윈 🍉


I've tried it while going around, and found my mobile Internet sufficient for my #fediverse needs. I didn't think it was using more data than the SNS platforms I was using before.

But, maybe, your network is "optimizing" their own connections to larger SocMed platforms?



I enjoy mostly text-based contents on Mastodon/Fediverse since random birbsite tweets are now even more distractive (even when viewed on plain internet browsers, expect other stuff to be loaded through algorithm, usually heavy with media). I don't really fancy Instagram/Pixelfed.

And yeah - your statement is true about these larger SocMed platforms. Majority of (mobile) ISPs even offer subsidised and optimised access just for it.

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