✨The day is coming✨
@ocean omg…the perfect world domination plan…everyone bought one of those. :blobcatsweatflips:
@ocean Well that explains the increased frequency of the power LED flashing red
@easthighNerd Nintendo being really customer friendly letting us use it this long
@ocean Indeed
At least the console outlasted it's eShop
@ocean I can't wait. I have so many memories to destroy. ^~^
@ocean what? I still have two functional and regularly used Wiis...
@ocean phew: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nintendo-wii-2023-self-destruct/
@ocean such a dope feature i bought one at launch just for this
@ocean WHAT
@ocean omg…the perfect world domination plan…everyone bought one of those. :blobcatsweatflips: