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Tiago Domingues

@Tutanota the one that has nothing to hide is the same one that doesn't care about freedom of speech because they have nothing to say.


- Don't close the door when you go to the bathroom


@Tutanota - Send your nudes to general public.
- Show your credit(!) card from both sides.
- Home address


@Tutanota wouldn't be cool to remove the 48h wait time before letting people use their email box after sign-up, or maybe even let them sign-up through tor without compromising their anonymity if they wish.
By the way I am genuinely curious to know what happened to the German court ruling that you should implement some server side backdoor to compromise users' data at rest or something of that kind, was the ruling reversed? was the case dropped? or did you comply ?


@heckler Hi there, we'll see how we can improve sign ups from these connections, but unfortunately spammers abuse these & we need to make sure that they do not abuse our service.

Details on the court order are explained here: - It is not a backdoor.


@heckler Metadata like email addresses could be recorded, but subject lines are encrypted. In ongoing investigations, targeted users are not notified.

hoek 💎

Password1234 :AngeryCat:
I hate everyone :KEKW:
I do not vote (ok, maybe sometimes when someone is buying my vote) :thinkerguns:
One man one jar :OMEGALUL:

But I am using Tutanota and I love your approach to privacy and security. I guess people don't need to hide something to use your service. Mostly politicians say that they have nothing to hide until their mailbox leaks to the internet...

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