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We get such requests a lot. How do you like our response?! 😍

#Fight4Privacy #NoAds 🔒💪

Remember: If it's free, you are the product. Premium in Tutanota is only 1€/month. Consider upgrading! 🙏😉

Secure RootD

@Tutanota I completely agree - but in free Tutanota accounts - I am also the product then?


@securerootd No, we don't track you as we want to provider privacy to everyone. But if you can afford it, do upgrade!

Power Of The Negative

@Tutanota These are the sort of approaches I inherently do not trust. People who do not do Their home I block, mark as spam and ignore. There is too much spam, stupid volume marketing. Occasionally I just give up on things because of this. AI will not make it smarter but may make Me go offline. #sad

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