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Tim Nolte

@peterbutler since I already have a #WordPress site working on the #Fediverse I'd probably go that route. A close second would be standing up my own #Pixelfed instance, but that would require more maintenance overhead for me I think.

Chris Boese

@tim @peterbutler Good point! Which has better usability? My WP feels like so much bloatware. Is #pixelfed easier?

Tim Nolte

@ChrisBoese @peterbutler for me I want to fully keep my content in my control, so my own #Pixelfed instance is going to be harder just for the added maintenance of keeping the software and system up-to-date. Another #WordPress site would be cake. From a normal day-to-day usability standpoint Pixelfed is might be easier because that's what it's designed for without tweaking, unlike a WordPress site.

Chris Boese

@tim @peterbutler even keeping WP up to date is a challenge. Got a better host now, so I don’t have to muck about with code and updates so much. Sometimes I look longingly at Hugo,

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