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gay magicks practitioner

@sayyid_qishta i get anxious whenever i see a ton of new notifications on here,,,,, i have no desire to go viral, i am here to socialize with my fellow queerdos, dweebs, sluts, and geeks, not all the terrible negative things that happen whenever a post leaves containment

going goblin (pre -> ray)

@sleep @sayyid_qishta like even at best I'll get several new followers who will proceed to never interact with a single thing I post, just, watching. waiting.

gay magicks practitioner

@ray @sayyid_qishta or they’ll boost something and it’ll make its way to the instances that exist solely to harass and abuse people

lee :Fire_Trans:

@sleep @sayyid_qishta this IS the mood

though it's also, for me, birders 🤣

jackdaw, ultranormal aspect

@sleep @sayyid_qishta

people will gladly hold beliefs contrary to evidence they are steadily presented. like other social media platform have convinced people to crave virality and countless eyeballs fixed on their doofy little posts -- despite the bountiful evidence this is a bad thing in the short term, and utterly liquifies people's brains in the long term.

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