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Jens Finkhäuser 🌻

@nattiegoogie I don't think you sound extremist. I understand the motivation, I just don't think it applies to me (yet).

The thing about having a mostly single-user instance where I almost exclusively post publicly is that I'm not really protecting anyone or anything with that second step.

If I had more users here, maybe.


@jens @nattiegoogie I am also on a tiny instance (me and a friend), but I will still preemptively defederate from anything Meta/Google/etc. Not to shield us from them, but so they don't get to see us either. Let it remain a walled garden that eventually - hopefully - withers away.

Eric the Cerise


I've been flirting with spinning up my own Fedi instance since Elon bought Twitter ... and I probably will eventually.

Bigger picture, though ... the last war here has, oversimplified, been trans-folk vs nazis ... and even if trans-folk freak you out, what kind of PoS do you have to be to side with the nazis.

This next war is gonna be "FOSS Communists" vs "but-all-my-friends-are-on-FB Capitalists", and it's going to be a lot harder to tell the good guys from the bad guys.

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