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Jens Finkhäuser 🌻

When Meta and others publish their #ActivityPub compatible instances, will you:


Anonymous poll


Defederate preemptively
Defederate on the first problem
Treat like any other instance
131 people voted.
Voting ended 26 May 2023 at 6:42.
Jens Finkhäuser 🌻

@oblomov Yes, that thread and a few similar ones have made me reach the same conclusion.

But I still wanted to understand what the general consensus is, or if someone provides good counter arguments to this.

Eric the Cerise


And additionally defederate from any instances that maintain connection.

I don't want to sound extremist (but I prolly do), but here in ActivityWorld, I feel like the FBs and Googles of the world trying to get a toehold in here is a more dangerous problem than the "free speech/nazi" thing was.

Jens Finkhäuser 🌻

@nattiegoogie I don't think you sound extremist. I understand the motivation, I just don't think it applies to me (yet).

The thing about having a mostly single-user instance where I almost exclusively post publicly is that I'm not really protecting anyone or anything with that second step.

If I had more users here, maybe.


@jens @nattiegoogie I am also on a tiny instance (me and a friend), but I will still preemptively defederate from anything Meta/Google/etc. Not to shield us from them, but so they don't get to see us either. Let it remain a walled garden that eventually - hopefully - withers away.

Eric the Cerise


I've been flirting with spinning up my own Fedi instance since Elon bought Twitter ... and I probably will eventually.

Bigger picture, though ... the last war here has, oversimplified, been trans-folk vs nazis ... and even if trans-folk freak you out, what kind of PoS do you have to be to side with the nazis.

This next war is gonna be "FOSS Communists" vs "but-all-my-friends-are-on-FB Capitalists", and it's going to be a lot harder to tell the good guys from the bad guys.

C'était Marud depuis le début :mastodont_v2: Their main objective is to gather datas and use those for profit / tracking.

Meta and other shitholes are not going here for any other reason than harvesting as much as they can.
Or they won't, at first to calm people down, and then without a warning activate data harvest or activate it and then say "woopsie, we had a little issue
😉 "
They don't have any of the values that make this network a popular success (and by popular I mean "for the people") they are just capitalist shit and are not interested in anything than the money they could gather or do an E.E.E. move (Embrace, Extend, Extinguish) Their main objective is to gather datas and use those for profit / tracking.

Meta and other shitholes are not going here for any other reason than harvesting as much as they can.
Or they won't, at first to calm people down, and then without a warning activate data harvest or activate it and then say "woopsie, we had a little issue
😉 "
They don't have any of the values that make this network a popular success (and by popular I mean "for the people") they are just capitalist...


@jens "Probably have a discussion about it on the instance back-channel"

I'm equal parts intrigued (interacting with family on FB without having to directly use FB!), concerned about EEE, and concerned that this will be an attempted end-run around data export restrictions


@jens Big players like Meta, Google, Tencent, ByteDance, etc. would only stop posing a danger to the Fediverse when permanent interoperability is guaranteed, e.g. through a legal framework. If a law required social networks to support ActivityPub, they could embrace and extend, but not extinguish.

This conversation reminds me of the “facebook requiem” which calls to expropriate Facebook. Both would both lead to a better world, I'd wager.

Jens Finkhäuser 🌻

@WhiskyPenguin Well, the Digital Markets Act in the EU may require this. It depends a little on how you define "messaging". Is this messaging, what we're doing now?

Lawmakers won't require the use of any particular protocol, however. That's also a wise decision, because the law will not be able to keep up with technological advances.

But the large players could use AP to "prove" that they are interoperable, in principle.

Dr. Guillermo Power :verified:

@jens Looking at this thread, it is obvious that an #ActivityPub compatible Meta instance will fragment the Fediverse between those who see it as any other instance and those who want to defederate it. The split is nearly 50/50.

tyil I haven't made up my mind yet. On one hand, I would like to support freedom and anyone who's willing to play nice with open standards. On the other hand, #Facebook has a track record of not playing nice, only pretending to do so when it fits their marketing ploy to lure in people.

It's going to be a tough choice on what to do, if they even properly support
#ActivityPub in the first place.

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