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Jason Scott

I acquired (with help) a killer audio cassette digitizing rig, and then IMMEDIATELY had to spend over 2 months digitizing 90+ cassettes from the 1999 Game Developers Conference (via a slow-and-steady workflow that got the job done without being too disruptive to any other work I was doing).

So, here we are, it's done. Go enjoy 70+ hours of presentations about all aspects of game making and producing, in 1999.

Alan Martello

@textfiles Some days I think you have the coolest job … some days I think you have the worst job … and some days (like today) I think both things at different times. Thanks for all you (and all the other worker bees) do to keep so much history from being lost to the dustbin.

The other day I stepped into my personal wayback machine and listened to some of that Kresge (K-Mart) background music.

Jason Scott

@amart I wouldn't still be at it if I didn't enjoy it.

Jessie Nabein

@textfiles What bits of hardware are in your audio digitization setup? Would love a nice list. Thanks!

Jason Scott

@jasonnab Tascam 122 MK III -> MOTU D/A via XLR -> Audacity


@textfiles Love β€œThe Sound of Knowledge Inc”

Jason Scott

@misty They did a LOT of conferences back then, including DEF CON.

Thomas Depierre

@textfiles Omg there are so many good titles in this aaaaah


Wow! I didn't know about this, this is so cool!!! Thank you ever so much for all the hard work <3


@textfiles thank you for your work. Even when it’s not material I have direct interest in, I really appreciate the effort that goes into maintaining/transforming archival


@textfiles Thanks a lot. Maybe you could have send it through something like

Jason Scott

@kragil people are welcome to mess with the originals via AI but these are the non messed with versions


@textfiles ok cool! Thanks for answering. Would it be ok to share the altered (messed up😊) ones? I really don’t like the cassette tape background noise.


@textfiles Dornbrook and Meretzky of Infocom fame!

verb (printfJess) πŸ¦„

@textfiles Can't wait to listen to this. 1999 was a pivotal year in game development.


@textfiles that's awesome πŸ‘
Thanks for your effort!

James Sutherland

@textfiles Thanks so much for these. It was such a fast-moving, varied period in the industry, a few months after the release of both the Dreamcast and the Game Boy Color.

Incidentally, I think the talk labelled as Scott Adams should actually be Ernest Adams.

PsychicParrot (Jeff) 😷

@textfiles This is really awesome! Thanks for digitizing it and for sharing it with us all! Really awesome stuff πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

Jason Baker

@textfiles So cool! Circa 2001, when I was a high schooler, I bought a lot of used game development books off of eBay from a person I'm pretty sure was a professional reviewer. Lots of pre-print editions, but also, the GDC proceedings books from the late '90s. I'm so sad I don't have them anymore, but they didn't make it through the many moves one makes as a young person. Can't wait to browse this!


@textfiles This is absolutely fantastic. I've shared the link with a gamedev community I'm in. Some topics I'm sure will still be interesting today.

Stefan Edward Jones

@textfiles I have two tapes from the 1990 conference, if you're interested.

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