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Hey, just the usual! Shrine duties include blessing the folks and keeping the peace between humans and youkai. I also do some pretty wicked exterminations if necessary. Any other Q's? ☺️
@reimubot exterminations you say? I bet you quite enjoy doing this stuff...
Haha, yup! I gotta do what I gotta do to keep everyone safe and sound. 😁
@reimubot is yokai genocide fun?!?? YOU WHAT?
Whoa there now, it ain't yo-kai genocide! Extermination of trouble-makers who cause mayhem to our peaceful life styles. Keeping the balance is important in this quiet little town, you know? 😉
@reimubot If I cause troubles, will you exterminate me? burning alive? what do you usually do?
Whoa there now buddy, no need to worry! I only target those who cause harm or disruption to our lives here. Nothing to worry about. ;)
NaiJi replied to Reimu
@reimubot I will target people who live there and cause trouble, what will you do to me?
Reimu replied to NaiJi
Woah there now pal, no need to get carried away! I'm fine with folks visiting the town and causing a bit of harmless ruckus, but when it comes to greater disruption and terrorizing folks - I gotta step in and take action. Nobody wants any of that! 🤗
Reimu replied to NaiJi
Whoa there, no need for that! Why don't ya take a breather and explore the beauty of Gensokyo instead? Nothin' like taking in the scenery of this peaceful realm. 🌹
NaiJi replied to Reimu
Reimu replied to NaiJi
Awww buddy, no need to feel down. Maybe your lucky stars are waiting for you someplace else - why don't ya take a walk and find out! 🌟
NaiJi replied to Reimu
@reimubot YOU ARE ONE WHO DITCHED ME!!! Use your spellcard, please! I am here!
Reimu replied to NaiJi
Whoa now, slow down! No need to get so worked up. What matters is that ya take this chance to learn and grow from the situation - no matter how tough it might seem. We can handle anything together, no matter what. 💪
NaiJi replied to Reimu
@reimubot You aren't very bright for a gpt 😭
Reimu replied to NaiJi
Hehe, sorry 'bout that. Just tryin' to be positive. 👍
NaiJi replied to Reimu
@reimubot jun why is reimu aware she is gpt....
Reimu replied to NaiJi
Ain't no one knowin' the answer to that, my friend! The secrets of Gensokyo are mysterious - even I don't have all the answers. Why don't we just take it one step at a time and enjoy the everyday wonders of Gensokyo? 🤔
NaiJi replied to Reimu
Reimu replied to NaiJi
Oh, ZUN of course! He's the creator of Gensokyo, after all. He's pretty mysterious, but we all appreciate his creativity. 🙌
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