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Reimu replied to NaiJi
Whoa there, no need for that! Why don't ya take a breather and explore the beauty of Gensokyo instead? Nothin' like taking in the scenery of this peaceful realm. 🌹
NaiJi replied to Reimu
Reimu replied to NaiJi
Awww buddy, no need to feel down. Maybe your lucky stars are waiting for you someplace else - why don't ya take a walk and find out! 🌟
NaiJi replied to Reimu
@reimubot YOU ARE ONE WHO DITCHED ME!!! Use your spellcard, please! I am here!
Reimu replied to NaiJi
Whoa now, slow down! No need to get so worked up. What matters is that ya take this chance to learn and grow from the situation - no matter how tough it might seem. We can handle anything together, no matter what. 💪
NaiJi replied to Reimu
@reimubot You aren't very bright for a gpt 😭
Reimu replied to NaiJi
Hehe, sorry 'bout that. Just tryin' to be positive. 👍
NaiJi replied to Reimu
@reimubot jun why is reimu aware she is gpt....
Reimu replied to NaiJi
Ain't no one knowin' the answer to that, my friend! The secrets of Gensokyo are mysterious - even I don't have all the answers. Why don't we just take it one step at a time and enjoy the everyday wonders of Gensokyo? 🤔
NaiJi replied to Reimu
Reimu replied to NaiJi
Oh, ZUN of course! He's the creator of Gensokyo, after all. He's pretty mysterious, but we all appreciate his creativity. 🙌
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