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πŸŽ‰ MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

I ask everyone to help me fight - at least a bit of #queerphobia and #discrimination by supporting this issue:

A thread 🧡.
I am issuing a content warning for this entire thread for queerphobia, discrimination, hate speech and insults.

Please :boost_ok: to spread awareness.

#FuckQueerphobia #Libredirect #FollowerPower


@MagicLike You may want to rephrase that. "and hardly discriminating" So it is not discriminating?

πŸŽ‰ MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

@catraxx I am sorry, but I just don't get it - I am way too sleepy and need to get more stuff done today :blobcatnotlikethis: (Even with like 4 glasses of coke)


@MagicLike "This is absolutely queerphobic and hardly discriminating." This sentence means: "This is queenphobic and not really discriminating", unless i am misunderstanding and that is what you mean.


@MagicLike they seem to be saying "go away, we don't care. blame whoever maintains the list of instances." and that probably makes sense in case the list of instances is not included as part of the extension but rather fetched from the external list.

if it gets removed from the list, everyone including libredirect is affected. if it only gets blocked in libredirect, only libredirect users will benefit. so why not yell at the list?

catraxx replied to πŸŽ‰ MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

@MagicLike Holy crap that guy is deranged :blobcateyes: esmailelbob like holy actual hell.

πŸŽ‰ MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt replied to catraxx

@catraxx And that is not everything - gonna post the rest..

catraxx replied to πŸŽ‰ MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

@MagicLike I love that they just contributor locked it lol. "Nope."

Hitch :yikes: replied to πŸŽ‰ MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

"Discrimination as part of "their" society" - 🀒

Hitch :yikes: replied to Hitch

Sure, you can do in your bed whatever you want with whomever - if there is consent.
But this isn't about sticking it to someone, getting sticked, or not feeling particularly stickingly at all, it's about how we treat each other with respect and give everyone the same freedom to express who he/she/they is/are - regardless of gender, skin color, height or whatever...

Intolerant people don't deserve tolerance - it fucks freedom up

Sure, you can do in your bed whatever you want with whomever - if there is consent.
But this isn't about sticking it to someone, getting sticked, or not feeling particularly stickingly at all, it's about how we treat each other with respect and give everyone the same freedom to express who he/she/they is/are - regardless of gender, skin color, height or whatever...

Hitch :yikes:

Only people that aren't affected by nor care about any of this
argue like that


@MagicLike I reported the GitHub user profile as "A user is posting discriminatory content or hate speech" citing this commit.

πŸŽ‰ MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

@jabberati Already did that in April, sadly no response until now...

πŸŽ‰ MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

Apparently I am now getting redirected to Allah - good luck with that πŸ˜…

πŸŽ‰ MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

Also I did not insult you, I just made my point - just as you wrote about forbidding LGBTQIA+ members and supporters to not use your service.

πŸŽ‰ MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

Also I am not the one getting insulting - I wrote my issue(s) very factual. Yes, I was a bit too emotional the first time I answered you on fedi, but I tried to be better this time.
But a t no point I called you having a "little / tiny brain" and I also didn't tell you to go fuck yourself either - although you have now done so.

πŸŽ‰ MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

Oh yeah sorry about forgetting to talk about your ban of Zionist and Zionism. I did not write about it, as it was not my point. I specifically talked about the issue of banning LGBTQIA+ people / supporters. I just missed it, sorry.

πŸŽ‰ MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

I also don't know how telling somebody to fuck themselves is a way to defend. (And you are talking about my "insults"?)

πŸŽ‰ MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

I also did not call you homophobic, I called you queerphobic...

πŸŽ‰ MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

@franzmari Thank you! ❀️

- sadly all project owners/collaborators that answered my issues see it the same :sad_cat:
At least I have a hilarious answer of "Esmail" (the queerphob in this situation), which I can only laugh about... - I am now getting redirected to Allah. πŸ˜‚


@MagicLike eww, i exactly hate those kinds of people (and have enough share in dealing with those kinds of people). If one doesn't respect common sense, they shall not expect respect for ideas either.
But at least for me, it's possible to block them only in online most of the time, and not in IRL. However anyone living in a decent society should be wary of illiteracy and bigotry. Otherwise you may not even understand how they got into every aspect of your life - until it's too late.

Slips wouldn't this mean that libredirect is automatically forcing people to violate their ToS? unless this duimbfuck has like, a checkbox you have to check to confirm you're not gay lmfao, automatically redirecting users to a sitethey're not permitted to use is stupid.


@MagicLike @Codeberg are you really going to allow discrimination like this on your platform?

πŸŽ‰ MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

As this is getting more and more personal against me, I am wondering if I should go to the police and bring to the notice (If it gets more extreme)

πŸŽ‰ MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

Oh and for everyone who is interested, they also made a few posts on their fedi instance about me:

Thank you for the attention and sharing your Queerphobia further!


@MagicLike wow..

they just put it 'hard coded' in there.. :amaze:

What a bunch of...

Return Of The Dodos :Blahaj:

I've read your posts and made the mistake of reading THEIR main post - I will NEVER be able to forget it.

THANK YOU for taking a stand.

I assume the individual is unaware of quite how many Rainbow folk invented and maintain IT?

This IS my serious instance but I am SO trying not to get really angry at such blatant prejudice.

You just accepted me as a follower - thank you.

Trash Panda I """"like"""" how paranoid they are about you possibly sending a hitman after them. As if you had the time, desire, or means.

Kiku :blobfoxmelt:
@MagicLike Btw they also maintain Binternet (Pinterest frontend) instance, which is still listed here
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