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@Npars01 @marcan

The fact Congress persons become millionaires after a few terms should be seen as a red light in the US. Citizens United needs to end.

Fascist Globalism needs address also, how does one address ludicrous inequalitys of wealth world wide ?

Nicole Parsons

@Piousunyn @marcan

1. International tax treaties
2. End tax havens
3. Financial services regulation
4. Anti-trust law
5. Estate taxes on inherited wealth
7. Tax reform. Dividends taxed the same as employment income.
8. End Citizens United
9. Enact Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse's DISCLOSE Act
10. Enact Tom Malinowski's anti-corruption & money laundering laws
11. End stock buybacks
12. Don't buy from their companies. Or buy less from their companies.
Hobby Lobby. ExxonMobil. Home Depot. Uline.


@Npars01 @marcan

Thank you for the comprehensive list of what needs addressing to end corruption of bribes and graft in the US, probably in other countries also.

Will keep 💯 this list.

#corruption #graft #bribes #politics #USA #Citizensunited

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