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Andrew Tropin

I guess I understood what a delimited continuation is!

The examples in this talk by @wingo just clicked:

I love "a historicall accident" parts :)

If you have other good learning resources on the topic of continuations, please share.

Alan 🎲

@abcdw @wingo I'm not sure it qualifies, but Section 5 of this draft describes how to add delimited computations to a language using a meta language that can express delimited continuations

Andrew Tropin

@brab Good job on the paper! but maybe it's a little too much complicated for me right now :)

I already found a few nice links on the topic of continuations, probably will share them, when learn the material.

Vivien the Trumpeting Elephant

@abcdw @wingo As I am not a native English speaker, I had a lot of trouble understanding the thing because of phrases such as "unwind" and "dynamic wind"… I mean, do the CPU fans spin faster and create more wind?

Andrew Tropin

@gugurumbe Same thing here! :D

Panicz Maciej Godek

FWIW I once came up with this:

My implementation used call/cc, but then someone redid it using delimited continuations.

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