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Marcin Wichary

This feels like a pretty ugly treatment of a modifier key in this Filco Mac keyboard.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

Some more keyboards. Iā€™m sure these shapes are super nostalgic to some!

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

As Iā€™m sure is this view.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

This must be the most beautiful degauss button in history?

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

And these are some more hot 1990s close ups.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

Thank you James for inviting me! Check out his site here:, and all of the above photos are also here on Flickr:

Kyle Bradbury replied to Marcin

@mwichary thanks for the thread, I really enjoyed following along!

MV replied to Marcin

@mwichary thanks for documenting and sharing all these šŸ™šŸ»

Georges Boez replied to Marcin

@mwichary Amazing stuff, Marcin! Thanks for sharing.

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