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Marcin Wichary

Last week, I had a chance to visit @hypertalking’s (James’s) excellent collection of Mac-related stuff. He’s particularly interested in collecting 1990s Macs, which is the era of Apple history I don’t have a lot of personal experience with, so it was doubly exciting.

Here are some 100 photos from that visit:

Shelves filled with various Apple items
Shelves filled with various Apple items (mostly boxes of software)
A few third-party and first-party Apple accessory boxes
Marcin Wichary

James’s work has recently gone viral! He meticulously recreated a few of Hokusai's views of Mount Fuji in the original Mac’s resolution and 1-bit colour.

I got to see them all in person!

A close-up of a Macintosh screen with a pixellated Hypertalking logo
Marcin Wichary

Anyway, on to the collection. There must be thousands of rainbow Apple logos in here.

Boxes with rainbow Apple logos
Leaflets with rainbow Apple logos
Marcin Wichary

Love that you can see a little texture on this.

Marcin Wichary

A fun (although maybe more pretentious than usual) “do” and “don’t” manual of using the Apple logo.

A 10-page leaflet showing what not to do with an Apple logo
A 10-page leaflet showing proper applications of the Apple rainbow logo
Marcin Wichary

If you can’t afford six Pantone colors, you can always approximate them. Love, John.

Marcin Wichary

These 1970s truck and van shapes are amazing.

A closeup of a graphic design manual showing Apple logo applied to trucks and vans
Marcin Wichary

“…with ’Illustrator‘ by Adobe.” Which James of course also has, in multiple editions!

Small print saying “All illustrations were drawn on a Macintosh with “Illustrator” by Adobe.”
Adobe Illustrator 88 VHS tape
A close up of Adobe Illustrator box with a green photo
Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

(I got rate-limited by my Mastodon server. More later. 😢)

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

Somewhere here is also the first PowerPoint, around the time it’s been acquired by Microsoft. The manual is pretty impressive – it looks like a proper book.

Early PowerPoint boxes
PowerPoint manual book
Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

Prince of Persia I and II in their cool respective boxes.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

Apparently, SimCity – James has a huge collection of Mac-specific editions – got in trouble for putting Godzilla on its box… so that was changed to a tornado later.

SimCity box with Godzilla
SimCity Supreme box with a tornado
A shelf with many versions of SimCity and other games
Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

The most ambitious crossover in history: BBC Basic for a Mac!!!

BBC Basic for Mac front box
BBC Basic for a Mac back of the box
Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

Microsoft Bob for a Mac! Sort of.

I have not heard of this before and I used to have a site cataloging GUIs.

Workspace back of the box
Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

5 mice award/rating from MacUser. Kinda cute?

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

There’s a lot of training and sales materials. Here’s one for System 7, explaining TrueType on prepared full-size transparencies. A fractal of obsolete tech.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

Here are some materials explaining DTP. The first one is gorgeous. The second one… yeesh.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

The diagram for the never-released Macintosh Office (server).

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

From a huge binder (binders!) for salespeople of the original Macintosh.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

A plastic Mac suitcase. Kind of a lame one, honestly.

A white plastic suitcase with a classic Mac “Picasso” logo
Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

Apparently, what you do with your new Mac is…

Test Drive a Macintosh lanyards and Test Drive project Management floppy
A Guided Tour of Macintosh cassette tape
Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

I have never seen this gorgeous photo of the original iMac before. I’m sad we’ve never gotten a hi-res digital version of it.

A top view of the bondi iMac with keyboard and mouse
Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

Strange experiments in early multimedia publishing: CD movies with extra features, and e-books on floppies.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

A rare Apple TV set top box! (*Not* Macintosh TV.) I learned it was called “Apple Interactive Television Box.”

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

The infamous Bandai Pippin, the Apple’s Mac-based console.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

A super strange accessory where the mouse is repurposed to be a yoke control for flight simulators.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

A rare Pioneer clone, complete with a rebranded mouse and keyboard.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

Speaking of clones, a cute logo from another (Japanese?) clone maker.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

Speaking of logos, <reverb>THE LOGO</reverb>.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

It’s wild how the default font picker on Macs today still looks like this thing from 1987:

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

The dramatic angle of the mouse in this photo is so interesting.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

After a unique first edition, Lisa 2 got its branding (and eventually its name) to be much closer to the Mac’s.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

Similarly to how the photos of the Mac in its first manual showed an earlier unreleased edition with a 5" Twiggy drive, Lisa’s early photos show a keyboard with temporary legends.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

The final design looked something like this:

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

James hypothesized this icon was also with a Twiggy drive.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

This feels like a pretty ugly treatment of a modifier key in this Filco Mac keyboard.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

Some more keyboards. I’m sure these shapes are super nostalgic to some!

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

This must be the most beautiful degauss button in history?

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

And these are some more hot 1990s close ups.

Marcin Wichary replied to Marcin

Thank you James for inviting me! Check out his site here:, and all of the above photos are also here on Flickr:

Kyle Bradbury replied to Marcin

@mwichary thanks for the thread, I really enjoyed following along!

MV replied to Marcin

@mwichary thanks for documenting and sharing all these 🙏🏻

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