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Eugen Rochko

I have never heard the term "web 3" used in any context other than trying to sell some cryptocurrency, to the point where I cannot take it seriously at all.

Emma :hf22:

@Gargron isn't main difference between web2 and web3 decentralization?

Eugen Rochko

@emma Decentralization does not require crypto wallets.

Emma :hf22:

@Gargron yes it doesn't. I heard about web 3 before I heard about cryptocurrencies... I'm not an expert but i think it is using blockchain technology (somehow)...

Raphael Lullis

@Gargron are you familiar with ENS (domain names controlled by blockchain, impossible to be seized by any government)?


@Gargron i always thought that web3 was ipfs and focus on decentralization.
And if it's not, it should

seb - buttons are toys!

@Gargron 15y ago at TU Berlin our profs used web 3.0 for knowledge graph supported Internet. They expected more benefits from adding meta data to website source code.

Mike Flugennock

@Gargron Hell, I didn't even take "Web 2.0" seriously, now that I think of it.

William Casarin :bitcoin:🇨🇦

@Gargron same with the metaverse these days, which is sad because the metaverse is such a cool idea without all the corporate and crypto bs.


@Gargron I've never heard that before. I still don't take web 2.0 seriously.

Григорий Клюшников

I thought the blockchain one is "dweb", aka decentralized web 🤔

Adamas Nemesis

@Gargron I've always viewed the "decentralized Web" as being one and the same as "Web 3.0".

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