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Questionable Content
Oh hai McDonuldz offical account
Look at this
#rule34 pictur of a clown doing unspekabl thing with a burgar โ€‹:blobcatmlem:โ€‹
wait were ur goin

:baba_michi: :nyanners:
@mcalel @ShadowJonathan if a corporation joins just bully them off the site, if that doesn't work then give them zero attention,

@mcalel @ShadowJonathan Saying "fuck" and other "dirty words" tends to help, too, if YouTube's guidelines are valid (given that they're part of the largest advertising company in the world, I'd say they are). In general, do things that Puritan ethics disagree with. Being queer is a great start!

Chaos Wolf Lizzy :v_trans:

@ShadowJonathan Only ads I want to see are those self promoting their works. :dragnuwu:


@ShadowJonathan Agreed. Unless it's an independent person promoting their *own* work or a mutual aid request, I don't want to see ads or businesses here.

Sinjo โœŒ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’–

@ShadowJonathan just a bunch of silly little guys with no interest in being advertised to :blobCatComfySoff:

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