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sam henri gold

how is amazon the biggest retailer and their web design not only sucks but also has awful recommendations. just because I bought a blood pressure monitor one time does not mean I want recommendations on more blood pressure monitors.

sam henri gold

@MuseumShuffle is their mobile app still a big ol web view or worse?

Chris Wu :toucan:

@samhenrigold For years I've thought that there was no way to share an item (email, iMessage, etc) on the iPad. Turns out they there is a tiny share button with a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT symbol than the standard symbol the iOS version uses.

Zeno ✨

@samhenrigold sure helps beat my imposter syndrome tho

Christy Smith

@samhenrigold Lol I know, right? I've seen that too, with things like computers even.


@samhenrigold ahh I hate the “you bought one of these things you’ll likely only ever need one of but here’s some recommendations for more we think you’ll like” thing! 😩

sam henri gold

@keir Alright lets see, we've got extension cords, a recommendation based on the tea I regularly buy for a tea brand I don't like as much, and my skin care 3 pin connectors.

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