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Un Bourguignon 🇪🇺🇺🇦 :firedoge:

I would really want to boost. Problem is: there isn't any alt text for blind persons (I'm not blind myself). Can you add it, please ?

Wendy Lady

@warandpeas my favorite thing to do is to be more Christ-like than most Christians...and still be atheist af.

Felipe :wyd:

@warandpeas Jesus rejected both the empire and it's official religion, just saying

Josh Lewis!

@warandpeas I think many Christians feel this way. I do. I'm still "in the church" but I don't feel any affinity with people who are preaching hatred.

Jesus said "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." So if we think someone is going to hell, how is it loving or kind to put that on a sign instead of having a real, human conversation?

If I were going to hell, I'd want someone who loved me to talk to me about it gently and respectfully.

Staid Winnow


Except, Jesus did something else. He just formed a small cult.

While alive, he never spoke of homosexuality. His pacifist followers today claim that to be a sign that he would welcome homosexuals.

But he also did not speak of the Roman rulers and their tyranny. Their cruelty, their enslavement of people.

It stands to reason that he'd welcome them too, right? Same exact rationale on silence.

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