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I'm gonna keep posting this until one of you fucking boosts it


@felidista Look. It's simple. I give good content ok. I want my recognition. I want validation. I want a LG V40 and a BAFTA and five million euros.


@felidista but apparently the Universe says 'No.'


@felidista the injustice of it. I'm lying here, haven't tried that hard at all really, and I'm all outta ideas.


@Alisca "you said the dreams I had went to my head"


@felidista cos I'm tryin' to win a BAFTA from my bed....


@Alisca Be? It's nearly dinnertime! You Irish really know how to relax.


@felidista Jesus you sent me into a existential tailspin there BE MORE CAREFUL WHEN TYPING 'BED' PEOPLE JESUS CHRIST

Alisca replied to Alisca

@felidista and FYI it's not even 12 noon here. we havent even had Second Breakfast

Fjarska replied to Alisca

@Alisca Not even had first breakfast yet! So busy this morning, being right on the interwebz...

Mister Trivia

@Alisca SO yes. SO MANY TIMES yes. (So many *codes* yes!)

Matej Ľach ✅

@Alisca Lol I already did boost someone else with this so thanks @vfrmedia for taking care of this one :-D

Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:

@Alisca it would've helped if the joke wasn't a few years too stale :-) Sorry!

Charles U. Farley

@zem @thomasfuchs @Alisca Oh shit the HTML and LaTeX people are talking to each other.

Elias Mårtenson

@freakazoid @zem @thomasfuchs @Alisca the handshake meme with CSS fans and TeX fans on each side, text overflowing a box in the middle.

🌻Kate a eu jusqu'à ici avec 💩

@humanetech @thomasfuchs @Alisca
Triggered!!! 😄
MANY moons ago I had to code the monthly employee newsletter and then print it to one of three shared printers in another part of the building. Who knew those end brackets were so important?
I was the Queen of Stack Dumps. IT had me on speed dial.


@humanetech remove the end tag and you never have to buy coffee again

Howard Chu @ Symas

@thomasfuchs @Alisca In a more civilized age, that was aka overfull hbox

Unapologetic Geek Girl

@thomasfuchs @Alisca These are so perfect! 🤣 I need them all, soooo bad!!!!


@thomasfuchs @Alisca
O nature cruel, refusing another mouth
that I may drink two cups at the same time


@thomasfuchs @Alisca oh man..the frame is .. off a hundred or more..?

Steffen Mutter

@thomasfuchs @Alisca müsste es nicht 'CSS are awesome' heißen? Frage wegen meinem Schulabschluss


@thomasfuchs @Alisca this is the moment i think fondly of shahir zag's masterpiece, the “sacrilege in helvetica bold”?

Mara, Technopact Warlock

@Alisca @aldersprig
Image description: a white coffee mug with “I 🔲 Unicode” on it in black

Uli Kusterer

@Alisca I also like the variant "I � Unicode", because the replacement character is such a typical Unicode thing.


@Alisca Le prochain mug de



I found it for sale here:

I guess that site is legit? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This one is relatable to French people:

Cdrik 🌻 :unverified:


Ah ah, je suis justement en train de rédiger mon cours #NSI sur l'encodage du texte, cela fera une belle illustration ^^



@sebsauvage @Alisca la RBC (Royal Bank of Canada/Banque Royale du Canada) m'envoie depuis plus de 20 ans des emails en français où les accents sont comme ça.


@sebsauvage @Alisca while trying too many apps for mastodon, I had this problem on 3 of them :(


@sebsauvage @Alisca Martine écrit certes en UTF-8 mais le souci vient principalement de Casterman qui l'édite en ISO-8859-1 (ou pire, Windows-CP1252 !) sans rien vérifier.

The Senator :verified:

@spirit56 @Alisca Plus one more from me, because I'm a conformist sell-out huckster

Randy Noseworthy 😼 :debian:

Yeah it's been boosted.. for some time. LOL that's great that it's so old 🗝️.

kropot :acab:

@Alisca amazing to see 3yo content back on the timeline. Love for the fedi


@Alisca that's brilliant! Hahaha! Boosted!

Adam Curry :pci:

@Alisca I deal with Unicode twice a week. Paypal export looks like that mug

Rachel Maria

@Alisca Judas you’re tough. Fine it’s boosted tooted favored & flavored to be Goldilocks “just right.” 🤪

Ben Rosengart

@Alisca: I'll boost it as soon as I'm running a new enough OS to render it


@Alisca Reminds me of one unicode bug in CPython, where capitalisation of one specific greek letter just removed its diacritics.


@Alisca I see your "I ❤️ Unicode" mug and raise you a "Scheiß Encoding" shirt which translates as "Shit Encoding".


@Alisca We are machine learning... we just needed training!


@Alisca well how can I refuse such an enticing offer 😜 #boosted

Lurizon :mastocheck:

@Alisca HA- OHHHHH GOD 😭

im the right audience im glad someone boosted this



I love ASCII art.

I love ANSI character sets.

I ▦▦▦▦ Unicode most of all!


lp0 on fire :unverified:

I'd be careful about getting a new cup made with that on it. The undefined code point used there might be defined in a later version of Unicode.

Shawn K. Quinn

@Alisca Here it says 734 boosts, is that enough?

Amy Fountain

@Alisca stole this idea from elsewhere, made a sticker, but might wanna boost your mug too

Stíofán MacThomáis

@Alisca As my name is listed in the Unicode 3.0 book, I can only BOOST THIS UNTIL THEY GET IT!


@Alisca I own that mug, and I get so many compliments on it at work!


@Alisca I've got to make one of these for UTF-8

Ben Oberkfell

@Alisca I saw this at a Legoland gift shop this summer, and lolled at how the sign engraver can't do unicode, but luckily the keychain maker can

MatrixWyrm :unverified:

@Alisca see, I was gonna boost this, but I want it to stay in my timeline.

Chuck Durfee

@Alisca I boosted it, because I was just dealing with an encoding issue the other day


@Alisca you spelled "unicorns" wrong, I'm not boosting.

xinit ☕

@Alisca Keep posting it anyhow. It's super▯▯▯

Jan-Theo Wassink

@Alisca And I'll refuse to boost it until you post it in a right-handed version. 😎

Mark Schira

@Alisca Well, it's sorta fun, sorta lame. But I thought if it makes you happy?

Carsten Raddatz
All of the above. I'd complain in German about it, this way. I actually have a t-shirt of it!

@Alisca ˙sǝıʇıןıqɐdɐɔ sʇı ǝʇɐɹʇsuoɯǝp oʇ sı ǝpoɔıu∩ ʇsooq oʇ ʎɐʍ pooƃ ∀


Solace-10 That made me laugh out loud, nice one.

Wouter Horré

@Alisca I love unicode too, greetings Wouter Horré

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