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Evan Prodromou

Fifteen years ago tomorrow I published the first post on the fediverse.

It's still visible on today, although the URL format changed a few years ago, and the redirect plugin stopped working a few years after that. 🫤

Thanks to everyone who made a great place to be, and thanks to everyone who's expanded the fediverse since then.

Someday soon-ish I'd like to have working with ActivityPub. When I get the time for it!

@evan thanks a ton for identica and I made a lot of friends and learned a lot writing software for both.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua


Can i say you look better with today mustache?

Simon | Síomón

@evan thank you Evan, days were happy days

Samir Al-Battran

@tchambers @evan
I remember, it was great! Way ahead of its time!

Aaron Toponce ⚛️:debian:

@Ffyon @evan Yeah, for sure. I really loved the community and overall experience on Identica. The spam was troubling though.

Evan Prodromou

@atoponce @Ffyon really bad. We managed to get it under control with some distributed moderation and Bayesian filtering, though. It was a big reason the interface downplays public space.


@atoponce @evan same, really felt part of something there, and crypto spam is now hitting me here

Steve Scotten

@evan If I’d known that you would have plans to make Pump do ActivityPub I’d have kept Awkwardly Social as a Pump site and offered my time and energy to make it happen. It wasn’t a task I was willing to take on by myself. I guess it makes me a bit of a jerk to tell you that now, not having a stake in Pump anymore.

Craig Maloney ☕

@evan Thank you for giving me some of the best experiences on social media, and for making Laconica, which was the application I championed for hosted applications at Sourceforge.

Craig Maloney ☕

@evan 😊 Thank you for making it possible and an obvious choice. 😀

Tim Chambers

@evan Bet this original post is still public, readable, and working FAR after the first proprietary tweet and the first FB or IG post is just in some internet archive and functionally only readable there.

#OpenWeb for the win.

Joshua Chalifour

@evan that's wild. Seeing this prompted me to try logging in... I had an account from 14 years ago but I guess I lost track of it somewhere along the way. fun to see how things have evolved.

Evan Prodromou

@owlyph sometime in 2013 or so when I switched to I also cut down to the 200K or so accounts that had been active in the previous 24 months. So, a lot of folks who tried it and didn't come back no longer have accounts.


@evan @owlyph like me. Ring2 Was my handle.

I am so glad to be Finally back.

Matthias Pfefferle

@evan I can’t believe that is 15 years old! This was OpenMicroBlogging times, wasn’t it? I think OStatus was 2010.

Thomas Gideon :cmdln:

@evan @webmink Thanks for helping us start to see all those years ago what is coming so much more into focus now and will only get better, especially when catches up with all these riotous and lovely grandchildren.

Thomas Gideon :cmdln:

@evan @webmink And nieces, nephews, siblings, cousins of all degrees, let alone independently convergent evolved species of no relation... :totoro:

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