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Have you ever wondered how a black bear emerges from his/her tree den? Lucky for us, Michelle Hanson was there and took photos!
#Alaska #AlaskaWildlife #AlaskaBlackBears

An Alaska Black Bear takes a peak outside from his tree den.
An Alaska Black Bear starts the climb out of his tree den.
The Black Bear is almost out of his tree den.
And the Black Bear is fully out of his tree den.

I knew they climbed trees, but never thought they'd have an actual tree den. Fascinating!

Charlotte Walker

@Sharonbw @MicheleV_AK I didn’t know that, either! A good, safe spot for sleeping


@purplepadma @MicheleV_AK
With my luck, that would be the tree I'd choose to climb!


@purplepadma @Sharonbw Some years ago, there was a study done and many bears were found to be using trees as dens. One scientist calls the bears "nesters." Some use the base of a tree and others a hole in the trunk. Very interesting.

Melissa BearTrix πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

@MicheleV_AK thank you for sharing

I'm so jealous that someone got to see that ... Beautiful ... Hugz

I may have a small bias towards bears ... It's in my middle name ... Giggles ... For real ... Blush

Hugz & xXx

Cas :trisquel:

@MicheleV_AK @stephaniepixie
...and there goes the idea that one could klimb a tree to save oneself from a bear 😳

stephaniepixie πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ


Especially black bears. Many years ago my ex and I were camping and we tied our food in a bag on a tree branch as a way to avoid having a bear attack our tent but the bear just climbed the tree and grabbed the bag of food and left πŸ˜…
We successfully stayed safe but lost a lot of our food 😭

Cas :trisquel:

@stephaniepixie 😡😡😡
I would never go in a forest again in my life.

stephaniepixie πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ


I’m more of a cabin girl now than a tent girl πŸ˜„

stephaniepixie πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ


I had greater tolerance for wild things in my 20s. I like cosy, dry, and warm in my 40s 😌


@Cas_33 @stephaniepixie This reminds me of a joke I heard a few years back. Feel free to substitute if you like.

Q: Why do elephants paint their toenails red?

A: So they can hide in cherry trees.

Q: What's the loudest sound in the forest?

A: Gorillas picking cherries.

And I agree: the very idea of bears nesting in trees definitely puts me off on ever going into a forest again.


@MicheleV_AK honestly, more amazed that there's a tree with a big enough hole for a fat fall bear! :)


@acm_redfox Yeah, not the ones I see on the side of the road, but there are millions of acres of forests in this state with HUGE trees.

Tim Stanton

@MicheleV_AK Impressive! I'll have to look up more often while I'm hiking!


@MicheleV_AK I've been wondering what a den looks like actually this is a great example I hadn't considered!


@MicheleV_AK Wonderful! Had no idea they denned up in trees!

calvin πŸ›‹οΈ

@MicheleV_AK I did not know a β€œtree den” was a thing! How do they make one?

draNgNon has VOTED

@MicheleV_AK I've been thinking about this post since I saw it earlier today

and it would tell a very different story if the picture sequence were reversed, about a tree eating a black bear.

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