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David Slifka

@J12t @spreadmastodon thanks! Which lessons stood out to you in particular?

Johannes Ernst

@davidslifka @spreadmastodon Just like described for the women's liberation movement, the current largely structureless nature of the fediverse is very good for some things -- like anybody can get involved -- but not so good for other things -- like accountability, or political/societal impact. Some parallels (like "who appointed *you* spokesperson??") match 100%.

IMHO we need to build fediverse institutions that help without hindering the good we already have. A tall order, but doable IMHO.

Johannes Ernst

@davidslifka @spreadmastodon E.g. some recent steps in the right direction: 1) the emerging developer network -- tons of discussions already 2) the reactivation of regular SWICG meetings towards updated standardization 3) I think FediForum also has been playing a useful role as a convener and community builder, and 4) IFTAS.

Next on my wish list: 5) we need some kind of "Fediverse marketers network" to align messaging and run fewer, more broadly supported campaigns involving several projects.

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