Revolutionary changes ahead - Our plans for 2023 and beyond! 🥳🙌
Yeah, please don't change the name 😢 Also, I finally got round to signing up 🥳 Why? *You *earned* it* Keep up the hard work and thank you for everything you do, the migration from gmail continues, I expect to be done around 2025 or thereabouts 😆 @Tutanota Treue Premium-Nutzer nicht zu belasten ist eine krasse Entscheidung, aber sehr lobenswert. Und den Name würde ich - persönlich - nicht ändern wollen. Danke, an das ganze Team! ❤️ @avoidthehack @Tutanota seriously, I mean how will this affect current users going forward? If its done similar to aliases the way @protonmail does it then I could see that. @Sh4d0w_H34rt @protonmail @Tutanota they’ll probably do it the same as Proton. As far as I know user1@protonmail and go to the same inbox. If you were a new user after the rebrand you’re only allotted Would assume something the same here… where older uses can still retain and use the user1@tutanota but newer users “only” have the new(er) domains.
@Tutanota those sound like good changes. I hope you'll consider refreshing the UI as well - I've recently checked out ProtonMail and despite having used Tutanota as my main inbox for the past 5 years or so (and having been a paid user for the past ~3 of those), I'm very tempted to migrate to Proton just for its mobile app experience. @Tutanota @Tutanota I hope with what new name you choose, you keep the red/white theme! |
@Tutanota Thank you 👍