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@kkarhan I think the article author fell for the marketing under the assumption that it can't reproduce code verbatim. You'd see other experts like Timnit Gebru disagree.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@n0toose don't assume but ask / himself.

Also with all programming languagues there are only very finite ways to do certain things reasonably efficient and fast whilst retaining readability.

Thus statistical analysis will inevitably result in large sections to be identical as they can't be reasonably different unless done for the sake of being done differently.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@n0toose for example, of you want to download a file or query an API in a portable way on a "Standard-Compliant" Linux distro, you'd basically only have curl & wget available.

APIs and ABIs do normalize and restrict how a program can be integrated.

And System Architectures do further restrict this.

Kevin Karhan :verified:


Basically unless you write absurdly generic pseudocode and go out of your way to specifically avoid documentation samples, you'll inevitably have to copy huge amounts per design.

Because that's how these statistics-based chatbots work.

They are just a shittier interface for okay search engines like #DuckDuckGo and nothing that we should call "intelligent"...

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