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Eugen Rochko

Rough estimate 24K posts on the different #eurovision tags so far today.

HistoPol (#HP)



And this even though #Mastodon and the #Fediverse were the only Social Media network not named on TV!

Kristoffer Lawson

@Gargron now allow us to look at hashtag posts from other instances in the search (like so we get to see more of the action!



I estimate roughly 24k senseless posts about a complete bullshit competition.


I am your spirit animal

@Gargron That explains why I didn't succeed to read them all.


@Gargron Einstein said: The answers to all questions are at a higher level. Just like this painting, when people see this painting, they will naturally think of the situation of the people in it as themselves. There are tigers with claws on the shore, dragons in the water, and the only ivy that lives on is threatened. It seems that there is no solution. But when you suddenly remember that you are an audience, you won't be overwhelmed. You can appreciate all this. This is oriental wisdom.

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