> Phone numbers, registration timestamps, and the identifiers of groups they're in (i.e. who is talking to who).
> Phone numbers, registration timestamps, and the identifiers of groups they're in (i.e. who is talking to who). *chokes* 6 comments
> So private keys are being backed up to Seald's servers, encrypted with user passwords. (Passwords are user IDs) @julialuna I swear to god I was just joking, holy fuck, what the fuck > "How were you able to decompile the source code of the app and what do you think should be done to protect against that in the future?" *tired sigh* > "May we know what you do and where you are located? Thank you." mmmyes, mob boss tactics, or simply classist corporate "are you worth our time with your status" brainworm |
> selfDestruct: <time-to-live>, // optional
this HAS to be a joke