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Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

@AgathaSorceress @julialuna

> "The vulnerability with Firebase rules have been patched and you are welcome to test it out. The other vulnerability of preset decryption keys has been implemented on our side, we are only waiting to get new credentials so that existing users will be reauthenticated. However, all existing messages sent with the old decryption keys are protected by firebase rules so they still cannot be read by outside parties."

...I, what?

"We have closed the door"

...okay, have you fixed the vulnerabilities? Have you nuked your app and started over? Is this just a "oh shit this must go away" manoeuvre?

Honestly this doesn't astonish me, this gets me super angry, because these fuckers are getting away with it by patching their largest hole while saying that fixed the thousands of leaks in their Swiss cheese ship

I'm just tired, what the fuck

1 comment
Normal :jo_2: :v_enby: replied to Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

@AgathaSorceress @julialuna honestly after reading this I'm just so fucking tired

This app gets away with 0 scrutiny while it fails every security practice while doing a backflip, and matrix gets condemned to hell when E2EE is a little weaker than assumed

(And even then, people are working hard to fix that weakness right now, while this app just hides their mistakes)

Jesus fucking Christ, it doesn't even compare, even matrix's security is a thousand times better than this glorified piece of shit, while it gets dumped because it's not perfect enough. Meanwhile this goes through and is recommended to a lot of people through misleading advertisement tactics

I love Capitalism and FOSS culture (not)

@AgathaSorceress @julialuna honestly after reading this I'm just so fucking tired

This app gets away with 0 scrutiny while it fails every security practice while doing a backflip, and matrix gets condemned to hell when E2EE is a little weaker than assumed

(And even then, people are working hard to fix that weakness right now, while this app just hides their mistakes)

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