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hkc (carbonated 𡿢喾鹄啡鹳𒅭) :nk:

hey, fellow #fediadmins, how many spambots from have you encountered at this point? Just wondering how many people actually consider defederating from it due to its lack of moderation

yes, I know, defederating from literally the largest instance makes no sense, but I don’t think we would actually miss that much: most likely people you actually care about already moved from mastosoc, so it won’t really hurt

plus, it would reduce load to your instance since you won’t have to process so many updates, most of which are useless anyways


1 comment
Alexey Skobkin

Between 5 and 10.

By the way these bots exists are not because of "lack of moderation".
You can't moderate something you can't see until users reported it to you. And most of the bots were sending a SMALL batch of DM's until going offline. It's not that one account was sending thousands of messages and nobody took care of that.

Also mastodon doesn't have very good anti-spam measures. So blaming moderation team of any instance (even for that is quite shortsighted.

Between 5 and 10.

By the way these bots exists are not because of "lack of moderation".
You can't moderate something you can't see until users reported it to you. And most of the bots were sending a SMALL batch of DM's until going offline. It's not that one account was sending thousands of messages and nobody took care of that.

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