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Andrew Tropin

Implemented bencode encoding/decoding in Guile Scheme.

TDD is a pleasure, when you have proper tools and can [re]run specific test groups instantly.

#guile #scheme #lisp #tdd #emacs

Nikita Domnitskii

@abcdw I recently thought about rewriting my bencode parser using accumulators/generators from srfi-158, maybe you can take a look

Andrew Tropin

@krevedkokun Just to practice srfi-158 or for some technical reason?

Nikita Domnitskii

@abcdw looks interesting and I think nrepl spec mentions something about streaming response so maybe it could be used for that

Andrew Tropin

@krevedkokun Yep, I saw something related to streaming, but if it will be practical, we can update the implementation later, should not be a big deal.

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