> way people blame this on particular CEOs or investors
Also important to note on that: when people say, for example "Mark Zuckerberg/Steve Jobs/Elon Musk/Vladimir Putin/George Bush/(name any powerful person) is a psychopath" - what they often mean is using the name of the person in a collective sense, as a stand-in for the systems they represent. AND IT'S OKAY! They don't personally know the guy. But they see the harm that those systems (maybe even inadvertently) cause, so there you go.
@strypey Still, the main point stands: the Dunbar number is a thing, empathy has limits, and if you find yourself not caring about everyone everywhere all at once, it's okay: you're not really designed to. No one is, so also don't expect everybody to do so. If you can - good, but don't act all high and mighty if someone doesn't. It's a valuable lesson, in my opinion.