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Action Retro :apple_inc:

I should host a website from this or something 🤔😅

Mark Zimmerman


I can already see the title:
"Hosting my Minecraft Server on a PSION (Everyone hated me for it)"


@ActionRetro I feel like you could hack so many mainframes with that...

I miss my Toshiba Libretto 😭

Senna 🌿

@ActionRetro the enter key though :balloon_deflated:

Jon :commodore: :apple:

@ActionRetro Right. That’s it. I am definitely getting one of these now. I blame you entirely.

Jon :commodore: :apple:

@ActionRetro And purchased. Well, I say purchased. Does it count if it’s on PayPal pay-in-3 ?



We do these things not because they are hard but because they annoy the hell out of us once we have the idea until we make it work.

Having said that its probably more powerful than the laptop my current company gave me.

sᴜʙsᴛʀᴀᴛᴇ 💾

@ActionRetro the backlight and contrast look great! do all psion 5 screens age so well?

@ActionRetro These little Psion thingies were right exactly in my childhood phase of "I sure wish I could have one of those but they're expensive and would not serve me any practical purpose".
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