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Drew DeVault

Every time someone mentions ChatGPT being in any way useful to them I respect them a little bit less than before

Drew DeVault

I mean, listen, if ChatGPT is effective at helping you solve your problems then your problems are frankly not interesting

Drew DeVault

"ChatGPT helps me write asinine javascript boilerplate faster than looking it up on stackoverflow like I always have"

Woah dude very cool

Akseli :quake_verified:

@drewdevault slap some unethical license breaking there and no attribution and i get just very tired

I believe ML has its uses like feeding tons of anonymous data about human body and brains and whatnot, then using that to look for anomalies that can help prevent diseases etc.

But copy pasting JS from github aint it lmao

Akseli :quake_verified:

@drewdevault like i legit wish the more useful applications would be shown in media instead of "i copied pixels from tons of images and created a monstrosity"


@drewdevault That's what really gets me - yeah, if you spend all your time on stackoverflow, it might actually save you some time, but it does so by making it *even easier* to not know what you're doing.

The few things ChatGPT can actually do "well" are things existing tools can *ALSO* do. Boilerplate generation is something IDEs have been doing for decades, for instance.

And, for all my complaints with existing IDEs, even *Eclipse* didn't need upwards of 10GWh just to be *created*!


@drewdevault Relatedly, it seems to me like a *lot* of the uses people are finding for ChatGPT are just addressing the fact that a lot of dev tooling is just awful.

Why fix things properly when you can just go up a layer or twelve?

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