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my level one character after I've bought all the skins in game

Nuncio Bitis ✷ ✅ 🏳️‍🌈

@yesjohn Oh, was this happening today?
I seem to have missed it.
Well, I just got out of bed and all cleaned up, ready to go out today.


@yesjohn "Now, bring out the bear"

Charles : wait what bear

Courtier : u have to fight a bear to be king, it says here


@hammancheez @yesjohn “…and as you are a bit older and we are trying to appeal to the ‘younger demographic’ we need you to hold this salmon and honey during the bout. The assistant steward said it was quite entertaining when he was watching a classic American film last week.
What was it called? Jackass Forever your highness. For some reason we were able to get the rights very inexpensively…”

Jungle George 🌳🌴🌲 lemme yeeeet this toot and make you fediverse famous (again) 🔥👶🏻

Julie (she/they) 🚝🏳️‍⚧️🏹🎯

@yesjohn Still really oozing that "tenured professor who was living the sweet life and is now forced to chair the department" energy.



breaking news: man who has been unemployed all his life has now been assigned the highest position on earth


@yesjohn me as a kid after collecting all the gems in Spyro

Redwood Guy

@yesjohn I can't help wondering if interest in the royals will fall off a cliff after this. The new king was and always will be about as exciting as plain oatmeal.



Charly looks as if he is "lost in translation", doesn't he?


@yesjohn It will forever be known as the day Chuck wore a hat.

Marcin Juszkiewicz

That whole 'British coronation thing' reminds me that scene from Monty Python movie:


Lyle Solla-Yates

@yesjohn Best I can tell we wear gold because of the great bullion famine to show how much gold we have, but that’s a bit dated. This is why I dress in fried eggs.


Hey now, a level 1 character might do great things one day

🌱 Ligniform :donor:​

@yesjohn ol Sausage fingers could only fit one glove on? Or did he show up in a Michael Jackson Cosplay

Just a Cat

@yesjohn @carithlee “I’ve waited all my life for… this?”

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