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And, to quote myself from somewhere further down in the thread:

> While I still think that “we’ll legitimize, endorse & advertise for your event” counts as collaboration, I’ve now changed the CW to say “endorsing” instead of “collaborating with”. Not because my definition has changed, but to prevent people from getting the impression that Matrix is somehow becoming less secure because of that event.

I don’t distrust _Matrix_ because of it, but I certainly dislike _Element_ now.

Kat the Leopardess

@scy I was using Element for connecting to Matrix chats but I had also grabbed another Matrix client bc Element wasn't supporting multiple Matrix accts (easy acct switching).

I been trying to promote Matrix as an alternative to Telegram and Whatsapp, esp bc Matrix doesn't require signup with a phone number and might be better on privacy. The news of Element endorsing police/authority does have me :-/ right now.

Ludwig Behm

@scy they already developed strange solutions for the french government to break up e2e for audit and backup purposes.
That's about the worst stuff you can do to any messenger protocol.
But they didn't had to embed that into the publicly used matrix protocol.

So yeah, I guess we dodged that bullet already years ago.

Ludwig Behm

@scy Ich finde es echt nice, dass die sich die Mühe machen mit vernünftigen OpenSource-Lösungen BigBusiness aus dem Behörden-Markt zu drängen.
Wenn die das nicht machen, dann werden sich auf jeden fall Accenture und andere Firmen finden.

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