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Brian Swetland

@mcc It sounded like that could be doable and I thiiink one of the implementations has a performance mode that does something like that.

It's still an adapter layer on top of Vulkan (or a comparable lower level API), and at least the Chrome library for it looked pretty hefty at a glance. My suspicion is that big game engines, etc, would not see value in adding a simplifying layer that is more restrictive.

For smaller apps, portability and simplicity could outweigh a bit of overhead.

1 comment
Brian Swetland

@mcc Of course if your goal is "run in browsers", it's a win, and if you want to run in browsers and elsewhere and are not looking for getting that last couple percent of performance and don't need the latest shiny API/extension-wise, it's pretty appealing to adopt as your GPU abstraction.

I just don't think it's likely to replace Vulkan for most engine/middleware use.

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