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Mozilla's taking an interesting lead here as a NGO (with their resources) to help bolster the Fediverse. The fact that moderation and safety isn't an afterthought is reassuring.

And taking a step to look how to incorporate public services instead of celebrities and politicians should be onboarded (since they provide more immediate value to the other 99% of the users) is dope! (

Florian Gilcher ∠(・.-)―〉 →◎

@jalcine hands down, as someone running channels on their spaces, Mozilla moderation was always a shining beacon. Also always accessible to community members for advice and wisdom.

ℹ️❤️🖥 aka Compy-chan

@jalcine kinda a shame of the state of the web (and a sign of how much damage social media companies have inflected) that aiming to run a site with proper moderation is considered “extremely unusual”


@jalcine great to see. Realistically, moderation done right is expensive, so it makes sense that it's going to require companies to step up. I'm guessing that Google and other companies are going to see Mastodon as a valuable add to their services. Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc have tried and failed at social media so much that they might see Mastodon as their new way in.


@jalcine Mozilla should fix their browser, before wasting money on unrelated stuff

Aral Balkan

@jalcine Mozilla is a half-billion dollar for-profit corporation that gets that money almost-exclusively from surveillance capitalist Google. They’re also venturing into AI and are, themselves, venture capitalists now. As their head of public policy once told me “I don’t know why you’re holding us to such a higher standard… we’re just another Silicon Valley tech company.”

Chema Hernández Gil :sf:
I am not impressed. The moderation policies aren't worth the key presses that made them if there isn't equitable treatment of the moderators (you know the people moderating). So far it sounds like they will just replicate the worst of the big corporate giants: Outsource the hard, dangerous work to workers somewhere so as to avoid providing benefits and fair wages.

I wrote more about it here:
I am not impressed. The moderation policies aren't worth the key presses that made them if there isn't equitable treatment of the moderators (you know the people moderating). So far it sounds like they will just replicate the worst of the big corporate giants: Outsource the hard, dangerous work to workers somewhere so as to avoid providing benefits and fair wages.

@jalcine This makes a lot of sense, so knowing Mozilla, they will probably mismanage it into the ground, blame their users and then cancel it.

Remember Mozilla Persona?


@soc yeah, that became the solution used for Firefox Sync, VPN, etc.

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