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Terence Eden

Could you please help me find some folklore?

The Brothers Grimm recorded the story "Der süße Brei" about a magic porridge pot.
When instructed, it produces food until told to stop. One day, the owner forgets the magic word and the village is engulfed in porridge.

If you are NOT German or English-speaking, does your culture have a similar cautionary tale?
If so, what foodstuff is it about?

Thanks gang, boosts appreciated.

Emma Builds 🚀

@Edent there's an early season Star Trek Discovery episode that features a replicator in the ship's canteen running amok.

Terence Eden

@nevali Are the Scots particularly fond of porridge...?

(I meant English-speaking, but I can see the issue. Let me try to reword.)


@Edent funnily enough, the Scots absolutely are, quite famously (but yes you got what i was driving at!)

Robert Brook

@Edent ( I absolutely loved that story as a child. Part of me doesn't want to know why. )

sam henri gold

@Edent This sounds pretty much 1:1 with a book we read in kindergarten, Strega Nona.


@samhenrigold @Edent Yeah, I was going to say this specific book is probably the American GenX/millenial version of this story. The Strega Nona books were super popular when I was a kid

Noah Gibbs

@samhenrigold @Edent Yup. That's with spaghetti, though, not porridge. They say "pasta" throughout, but it's clearly spaghetti or some similar kind of long noodles.


@samhenrigold I read that as "Strega Noir" which, I suspect, would be a rather different story. :)

sam henri gold

@Bonescarab (Smooth jazz plays as the spotlight fades in on Strega Noir, a contemporary version of Strega Nona. Probably played by, idk, Sophia Loren or Isabella Rossellini. She takes a drag of her cigarette and begins to speak in a husky voice.)

"Life in Calabria isn't always easy, but it sure is magical.“

Buca Chow Chow

@samhenrigold @Edent This is what I was thinking of! My kids had it at some point.

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