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Brion Vibber :blobcatcoffee:ā€‹


"WebGPU caters to the kind of person who thinks it might be fun to write their own raymarcher, without requiring every programmer to be the kind of person who thinks it would be fun to write their own implementation of malloc."

<3 <3 <3


@brion @mcc even as exactly the kind of weirdo who would find it interesting to write their own malloc, god do I despise how much you have to do in vulkan just to render a triangle


@pyro @brion I've implemented malloc! It wasn't really that interesting. I would be mildly annoyed if an API required me to do it again.

Now, implementing a linear allocator with compacting GCā€¦ THAT'S interesting. >_>


@mcc I ended up writing my own reference counted allocator for a virtual machine project several years ago now, and it was fun to learn with but *awful* performance-wise (which is probably to be expected). still, if I were to work on a project that required GC again, that sounds like a fun rabbit hole to get sucked into!

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