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Chris Trottier


No more unicode hacks! This makes the Fediverse more usable!

I knew this update was supposed to support this, but this is the first time I've seen this in the wild.

This post was composed in Friendica, and Mastodon now accurately displays:

* Quotes
* Bold
* Italics

Currently, I’ve only seen rich text rendered in Mastodon’s native web app. I don’t see it in the mobile app.

See screenshot!


Chris Trottier

I don’t know if Mastodon will support rich text posting.

Nevertheless, rich text rendering means that much more of the Fediverse’s functionality will be viewable to people who use Mastodon.

Chris Trottier

This is one reason I continue to use I get access to new Mastodon features first before other servers.

So maybe I shouldn't migrate elsewhere yet.

Julian Lam

@atomicpoet you could always run your own instance and set up a cron job to pull latest code and restart... Your instance might explode more often though, if you do that 🤣


@atomicpoet I just pulled down the latest Glitch, which is pegged to Mastodon main branch.

I feel a bit more freedom to experiment like that on a smaller server, myself.


You don't migrate. You have lilypads all over the pond, and you hop around. 😉

Paul Schoe

WOW, Quotes, Italics, Bolds on Mastodon. So much quicker than expected.

Thanks for posting the image with the sample. It was good to see it.

@atomicpoet @fediversenews

Sam Oldman 🐀

@atomicpoet I keep forgetting that wrapping text in stars gives italics and two stars gives bold text in many apps.

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