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running out of space in my gmail account, i learned a few interesting facts.

1. attachments are not reencoded, and the base64 versions are what counts against your storage limit.

2. threads with quoted attachments (like images) double count those images against your storage limit

3. the Google One storage manager can't order your messages by size

4. the storage manager won't let you delete messages, or even just attachments. it only deletes ENTIRE THREADS which i learned the hard way. šŸ˜­

Jeff Titter

@tubetime When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought Google was an all knowing and wise software company but when I became a man, I put away childish things and realized how Google is just as broken as all of us!


@tubetime Iā€™m old enough to remember using UUDECODE on email attachmentsā€¦.

Now, I pay for additional storage, but in the past, I found tools that sort through your gmail messages and display the sizes. Helped to cull the junk. Iā€™ve also used several Google accounts to gain access to more drive storage. Iā€™m using Apple devices now, but Android file managers let me access a bunch of Google Drive accounts at the same time.

I do need to go back and delete junk messages at some point.


@dogzilla yeah i learned (somewhat recently, lol) that messages use base64 now and not uuencode...


@tubetime My most significant use of use uuencode/uudecode was using an email server DEC operated that you sent telnet commands to download a file, it would email the file to you in a bunch of emails. I used this when my employer didnā€™t have a permanent internet connection, using a modem to dial in once per hour to transfer email and news.


@tubetime @ReticentTurnip man its so hard to get into google cuz they only hire elite coders

Eli the Bearded

@tubetime I recall reading some speculate about the damage to Google this Gmail thing could cause. The storage costs of free email vs the user expectations.

Those are not easy keywords to search for a news story however.


@tubetime #2 is worse than that.

Each non-pruned reply is an additional copy that dings your storage.

Top posting plus hiding below that MASSIVELY in outages each reply to include the full email thread from that message back to the original thread.

Yep, base64 takes 4/3 times the attachments normal size.

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