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@Mastodon this is amazing. to folks worried about centralizing things too much, what's the point of a social network that's pure as the driven snow but as barren as antarctica?



we agree Twitter is bad. that's why we're here. I'm happy to have a thoughtful discussion about this if you want to.

🦊 Professor Fig Fucking Dies 🇰🇿 :therian:

@fringd @Mastodon Twitter is bad but the reason twitter is bad is because it's a centralized corporate hellscape with shit moderation where everything belongs to a single guy who profits off hate speech and advertisements. i don't want this to happen here again. especially considering has like 1 moderator and thousands of users.



i don't want that either. if that happened to it would be quite bad. we would have options though. we could defederate and people could migrate their accounts.

the present danger to me seems to be daily active users flattening out and then dropping to zero because we don't have enough network effect (nobody wants to be on a social network without all their friends).

people bouncing off of the signup flow really limits our growth. can you admit that's a real problem too?


i don't want that either. if that happened to it would be quite bad. we would have options though. we could defederate and people could migrate their accounts.

the present danger to me seems to be daily active users flattening out and then dropping to zero because we don't have enough network effect (nobody wants to be on a social network without all their friends).

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