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Manc AvGeek

I never asked for quote posts, or full text search.
Hopefully these things are opt-in at a user level, preferably at instance level.
Will the ability to be searched/quoted only apply to those on the latest version, or will users be able to quote people on slightly older Masto versions.
I know that it was possible previously to implement ElasticSearch, which had a tendency to bring all but the beefier servers to their knees - will this overwhelm smaller servers?

Babu Menos πŸ’¬

@mancavgeek @Mastodon

User level! I need to be able to refuse opting in to things that my host deems great, but I don’t!

Manc AvGeek

@babumenos @Mastodon What I was sugggesting was that Instance admin could switch it off globally, or if it was on, individual users could switch it off.
That seems the best way to do it.

Babu Menos πŸ’¬

@mancavgeek @Mastodon

I see! (It’s only fair to say, then, that those who would *want* quote toots but were on an instance that disabled them server-wide, had to move to another server.)

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