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Brian Pepple :fedora: :python:

@Mastodon Contrary to what some other folks are saying, I think having a default server for new sign-ups is a decent solution, since that seems to be a big stumbling block for a lot of folks.

Babu Menos 💬

@brian @Mastodon

Could be randomly rotating servers, though. Should be, rather.

Brian Pepple :fedora: :python:

@babumenos There would be additional things to worry about (availability, scaling, etc) that would be tough to ensure if they aren't running the server themselves.

Babu Menos 💬


Look how Invidious handles this:

Very similar would be good…

Brian Pepple :fedora: :python:

@babumenos There's something already like that, but I don't think it would scale and give QOS that most new users would expect.

Regardless, I'm fairly certain the Masto-devs have looked into the issue a lot closer than we have. 😉

Babu Menos 💬


Here’s to hoping; though it sure *looks* like is attempting to grow (even more). But I (and many others) might of course be wrong. We’ll see.

Brian Pepple :fedora: :python:

@babumenos I guess I don't see that as a bad thing.

Most new users could really care less about the whole 'federation'-side of the fediverse, they are just looking for a service that will replace Twitter.

The solution that the Masto-devs have implemented is most likely their best option for providing that.

Babu Menos 💬


Exactly why I perceive it as a bad thing. Mastodon has been *different* from Twitter and with very good reason. Now it tries to become the new Twitter which is disheartening for long-standing users. And the answer is mostly, “pffft, get used to it.”

Brian Pepple :fedora: :python:

@babumenos As with pretty much any service things change to meet the communities needs.

I've been using Mastodon since around late 2016 or so, and it's *pretty* different than how it was in the beginning. Such is life.

Babu Menos 💬


Of course things change. I’m just not sure if changing Mastodon so as to better resemble Twitter is a good change, that’s all. But let’s stop at this point; as I wrote earlier, we’ll see.

Matthias Schlegel

@babumenos @brian I guess Mastodon must change to compete. Question is: where are the limits?

Babu Menos 💬

@matschlegel @brian

I hear you, and at the same time I think, Why is there a competition? Why does Mastodon have to compete? Why on earth does Mastodon have to take on all the Twitter folk who do not even bother to dig a little deeper and learn a few steps? In my perception, they came here and immediately started complaining how complicated it all was—and actually, they are the ones who want everything to be like it was before (Give us our Quote Tweets! Make everything searchable!) although they had been the ones moving. This is upside-down, I think.

@matschlegel @brian

I hear you, and at the same time I think, Why is there a competition? Why does Mastodon have to compete? Why on earth does Mastodon have to take on all the Twitter folk who do not even bother to dig a little deeper and learn a few steps? In my perception, they came here and immediately started complaining how complicated it all was—and actually, they are the ones who want everything to be like it was before (Give us our Quote Tweets! Make everything searchable!) although they...

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