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@Mastodon God, did ypu lost your mind ? The absence of quote toots was specifically to reduce harassement, and proposing the flagship instance by default will ultimately kill the decentralized model.

Cody :collar: Quoting has been a feature in ALL other fediverse software for years... if you're being harassed, notify your admin. As for the flagship instance... I don't know what you mean by this? does the new login page promote I'm lost here...

the roamer

@stemy @Mastodon

Agreed in both points. Somebody suggested that this is a parody account. The strange commercialist style ("you asked for it ...") suggests it might be?


@the_roamer @Mastodon Unfortunately, the account is validated by the official site, so it's indeed the official.


@stemy making it easier to sign up is infinitely more important than trying to get people to decide on servers when they know zero about mastodon.

Nick G


Because Mastodon, like Twitter, lacks proper threading, you can easily get lost in a long discussion, unsure which post (or part of a post) someone is replying to.  Selective quoting can help to clarify this.


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