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Flit 🦊 πŸ”₯

@Mastodon Can't wait to see the new features! The Fediverse keeps getting better and better - I can't wait for it to be in a state I can recommend to friends and family. ^^

Human 3500

@flit @Mastodon I think it's there already. I'll accept deficiencies for the more pleasurable experience.

Flit 🦊 πŸ”₯

@human3500 @Mastodon A friend of mine found it unusable due to how federation works. They can't find people that talk about what they like (hobby-wise)


@flit @human3500 @Mastodon

All they need to do is write in the search field whatever their hobby is. On the web interface, there is then a person with a plus sign on. Click on that and you are following that hashtag and will see all posts tagged with it in your home feed.

While you write the word(s) behind the #, the web interface even lists matches to the word and longer hashtags beginning with that word - and they tell you how many toots it gets a week.


@MaryPot @flit @human3500 @Mastodon Except that only works if like "Really enjoyed my training today!" and if you post like that, you look like a .

Flit 🦊 πŸ”₯

@Mailia @MaryPot @human3500 @Mastodon Admittedly I do this a little bit, just not excessively like you demonstrated haha


@Mailia @flit @human3500 @Mastodon

There were 2 posts about the past week.

You were one, the other one was from a twat - according to you.

FYI - There are no rules here about posting, as long as you aren't hating on people etc. So anyone can post about their day, their week, their dog or the weather. They are NOT twats for doing that! In fact, I think you are a twat with that attitude.

There is a handy mute feature, and even a block feature. Use those and stop hating, please

Kenneth J. Jaeger

I use lots of on here all the time, so I must really look like a :eyeroll:
@MaryPot @flit @human3500 @Mastodon

CautionWIP πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@MaryPot @flit @human3500 @Mastodon the specific functionality of showing the popularity of a given tag while you’re entering it seems (as far as I’ve seen so far) restricted to using the web interface, and a lot of people are on-boarding via any of the assorted apps. :(


@cautionwip @flit @human3500 @Mastodon

I find it a very useful feature. Both the list of variants and the number of tweets (if any). Maybe the app-makers would do well to implement it? πŸ™‚

CautionWIP πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@MaryPot @flit @human3500 @Mastodon

I use Ice Cubes, which does in fact implement it. I presume it pulls it from the individual user’s instance, but for all I know, they use some funky averaging of numbers pulled from a variety of large instances.

See img below as the result of me entering # sf.


@cautionwip @flit @human3500 @Mastodon

I suspect it pulls it from the instance. I have 2 accounts these days, on 2 instances... 1 pretty big and a new one with less than 20 users. When I want to post about one of my fav #'s, the little one shows a lot fewer posts per week than the old one.


@cautionwip @flit @human3500 @Mastodon

Did you type in "sf" or ?
The web interface only reacts to #.

CautionWIP πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@MaryPot @flit @human3500 @Mastodon I typed it in with the hashtag, but not in my reply, as I didn’t feel it polite to suddenly spam our conversation at everybody searching that hashtag. :)

David Farnell

@flit @human3500 @Mastodon Do they know about following hashtags? That was the big game-changer for me, here, when I found out I could follow hashtags just like following people--suddenly my feed was alive with posts about the things I enjoy, and I could then follow a lot of people who were posting with those hashtags.
Also, if they post stuff with hashtags of things they like, people who follow those hashtags will start following them.

Flit 🦊 πŸ”₯

@azzageddi @human3500 @Mastodon Following hashtags works great, but it's still going to be limited by federation like everything else. The only reason I can see so many replies and posts is because I use Sengi. I can't see content when searching in the web app, unfortunately.


Groups will likely be somewhat compatible to Lemmy. And since Lemmy is basicly build of groups there is a decent diversity of groups there already. :fediverse:
@azzageddi @human3500 @Mastodon

Kid Codes

@azzageddi @flit @human3500 @Mastodon Using hashtags like makin' secret codes with friends! πŸŽ‰πŸ” We can find n share our compootah giggles n funsies with all da other lil' coders! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’»

CautionWIP πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@flit @human3500 @Mastodon it’s hard to explain/grasp the functionality of hashtags and hashtag following for those porpoises.


@cautionwip @flit @human3500 @Mastodon

They aren't unknown. Facebook has been moving more and more toward # use the past couple of years.

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