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Matt Birchler

My number one #Mastodon tip for people is to boost more!

Discovery sucks on Mastodon, which is partially by design, but it also means it’s hard to find new and interesting people here. If you see something cool, reach for that boost button as well!


@matt Boost and use hashtags (both in posts and follow them!).

Dana Hurley

@matt My biggest complaint. Starting from scratch it is a bear to just explore and find people to follow. I wish there was just a feed of everything I could follow.

David Megginson

@matt I prefer that people boost rarely, and I mute boosts from most people who do it more than once or twice a day (with a few exceptions).

Mastodon has an outstanding discovery feature in the ability to follow hashtags and find people with common interests. What we don't have (or need) is the popularity-contest stuff from commercial social media like Twitter or Instagram.

We're all friends here. Don't bring a bullhorn to the dinner table.

Jack William Bell


I checked and your 'joined' date is this year. Did you switch instances recently or are you new to #Mastodon?

I'm not asking to be snippy – I actually have a non-insulting point I would like to make and I'll start by asserting you are *absolutely correct* in what you said.

The problem is? Things like boosting often, using CWs and hashtags, adding alt-text to images, and relentlessly blocking abusers were already part of #Fediverse culture when I joined in 2018. For *reasons*.

Matt Birchler

@jackwilliambell I joined in January 2017 and have been on and off every since, but moved to my own server this year.

My post was largely aimed at newer people who maybe don’t know that history and are having trouble finding people to follow. I’m not sure I follow what problem you’re referring too, though 😬

rzetelny I've started using something called and it smoothed out discover process a bit, also UI sucks less.

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