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Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

BlueSky is cosplaying #decentralization

> Almost exactly six months after #Twitter got taken over by a petulant edge lord, people seem to be done with grieving the communities this disrupted and connections they lost, and are ready, eager even, to jump head-first into another toxic relationship. This time with BlueSky.

- #BlueSky seems designed to get secondarily centralized in the "reach" layer (as they call it)
- moderation is an afterthought
- Jack Dorsey


1 comment

@rysiek so I made a mastodon account to post this, idk if you mentioned this, but bluesky is not federated.

I set up a bluesky "pds" and tested it in the bluesky app. you can't interact with any other pds, like actors (users) are not replicated into the pds in some way, nor does the jwt token for viewing profiles transfer

here's me trying to load Henry Pickavet's did profile on bluesky from another instance

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