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:freedo: :supertuxkart:

@boilingsteam I notice that you mention Pal-chan is designed by Mr. Yang. The actual art itself is created by Japanese illustrator, CHANxCO (

It was mentioned here (

Boiling Steam

@crse Thanks for the correction! I will edit this directly.

@boilingsteam @crse another hint.

If you're copying links from the Fediverse, do not copy it from the URL bar, it's specific to your instance, but rather use a three dots menu and choose "Copy link to status".

It then copies an URL that can be used on Fediverse to fetch posts using a search bar on their instance.
@boilingsteam @crse another hint.

If you're copying links from the Fediverse, do not copy it from the URL bar, it's specific to your instance, but rather use a three dots menu and choose "Copy link to status".
Boiling Steam

@crse the correction is now live - thanks again for catching this mistake!

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